We’re excited to present the 2018 Chapei Dang Weng Festival, a collaboration between arts partners from all around the country!
Location: CLA Heritage Hub, Wat Bo, Siem Reap
Date: 30 November 2018 – 2 December 2018
The festival will be three days of workshops and performances. It is open to everyone and all events are free of charge. Join us for a weekend celebrating this unique part of Cambodia’s living cultural heritage!
All events are free admission. You will need to register for the workshops in advance via this form.
PROGRAM: Heritage Hub
AIMED AT: Artists and audiences in Cambodia
The Chapei Dang Weng Festival is a collaboration between UNESCO | Intangible Cultural Heritage (Commissioner), Heritage Hub, Cambodian Living Arts and Ministry of Culture & Fine Arts (Organizers)
- American Corner South East Asia
- Bambu Stage
- Phare Performing Social Enterprise, Co., Ltd
- Silong Original
- Small Arts School
- Sounds of Angkor
- The Community of Living Chapei
- The Khmer Magic Music Bus
- Tuk-Tuk TV
- Wat Bo Leather Puppet Troupe
Performance Schedule
Friday 30 November
Pong Savda Song by the Community of Living Chapei, The KMMB,Mann Men Artist Troupe
Chapei Dang Veng –short documentary by theMinistry of Culture and Fine Arts
Speech by SONG Seng, Heritage Hub Manager
Speech by Representative of Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts
Chapei Dang Veng by 3 Generations:
- Chapei Quintet by the Chapei Masters
- Chapei Dang Veng by the 2ndGeneration
- Chapei Dang Veng by the 3rdGeneration
Saturday 1 December
‘The Chapei and the Three Strings Lesson’, short filmby Patrick KERSALÉ
Concert byYaksao
Krama Khmer (Cambodian scarf) by The Khmer Magic Music Bus and Master KONG Nay
Sronos Khe Kadek(December Romance) by Community of Living Chapei
Heartstrings by The Khmer Magic Music Bus
Sunday 2 December
Krong PealiCeremony by Sounds of Angkor
Cheav Khan Sla by Chapei Master & Community of Living Chapei artists
Areak (Spiritual Ensemble) by Sounds of Angkor
Words from Chapei Masters
Closing Remarks by SONG Seng andRepresentativeof Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

The Full Program
There are 6 workshops, each of which will run three times over the festival: Saturday 1 December 8.30am-10am and 1.30pm-3pm & Sunday 2 December 8.30am-10am.
They are all held within the grounds of Wat Bo:
Workshop 1: Storytelling (for students from grade 1 to 3) (under the bayan tree)
Workshop 2: Storytelling (for students from grade 4 to 7) (under the tree next to the main temple)
Workshop 3 : Chapei Dang Veng (Sala Thaom Chas)
Workshop 4 : Classical Wedding Music and Areak Music (Sala Thaom Thmey)
Workshop 5: Puppet Making (in front of Heritage Hub)
Workshop 6: Drawing (Heritage Hub)
To register for these workshops, please sign up here or contact sormanak@cambodianlivingarts.org. Please note that the workshops will be in Khmer language.
Each night from 7pm-8.30pm there will be a performance at the Heritage Hub. Entrance is free. The program is:
Friday 30 November
Opening Ceremony and Performances, featuring three generations of Chapei artists
Saturday 1 December
Performances, including a video, Yaksao, Krama Khmer, Sranoh Khe Kakdoek, and “Heartstrings” by The Khmer Magic Music Bus
Sunday 2 December
Closing ceremony and performances, including Krong Peali, Cheav Khan Sal, Areak, words from the Masters, and closing remarks.
Moderated by SO Phina, with
- Master Kaosal Voha KONG Nay
- Master El Bien (aka Kampoul Pich)
- Master SAO Ien
- Master KONG Hing
- Master KEO Hoeun
Satuday 1 December, 10.30am-11.15am at the Heritage Hub
TALK BY PATRICK KERSALÉ, ethnomusicologist and researcher
Saturday 1 December, 11.15am-12pm at the Heritage Hub
Photo exhibition about the history of Chapei Dang Weng, at Sala Thoam Chas, from 8.30am-4.30pm each day of the festival.