Arn Chorn-Pond Living Arts Scholarship

The Arn Chorn-Pond Living Arts (ACP) scholarship program was established in 2010, aiming to develop students’ artistic vision, to encourage values of inclusivity, creativity, and curiosity, and to encourage professionalism and the student’s potential to be leaders in the sector. CLA’s goal is to invest in the leadership of potential creatives and talents and enhance their ability to express and reflect critically on their relationship and society in a broader perspective. By doing so, we hope to strengthen the capacity of the valued-based human resources who will be able to sustain their career and the arts in the ecosystem in the long run.

Whereas our arts, culture and traditions were destroyed so suddenly and so quickly, the work of healing and rebuilding is a process that takes generations. Today, the Scholarship Program makes it possible for young people to further their studies, to learn new skills and to stick with their dreams of building a career in the arts. That hope is what I wanted to pass to a new generation. I am so proud of all the students and of what this program has achieved so far!

Arn Chorn-Pond, Founder of Cambodian Living Arts.

To avoid any missing information when you complete the application form on your computer in a word document, we encourage you to compare all the questions on the PDF version of the form to make sure you have answered them all.


BOT Sonea

Bot Sonea was born in Prey Veng province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Sonea is the graduate of Archeology in Royal University of Fine Arts. In 2021, Sonea started working as a contracted employee at Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. Working at the ministry provides Sonea many experiences in arts and culture such as administrative works, coordinating arts programs, coordinating work with other NGOs, associations and communities, collecting data of intangible cultural heritage across the country and organizing other workshops. Sonea applies for this scholarship to study general English to support her works in researching various documents related to work and archeological field (focusing on Khmer arts) and document in which she is working on it.

SIEN Sokny

Sien Sokny is from Por community, born in Pursat province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Sokny is volunteering building a musical team called Indigenous People Sound with the aim to promote indigenous culture especially language and ways of living. Sokny applies for this scholarship to study general English to strengthen her knowledge of English, increase chance to seek for funding to support team development, building a foundations to support educating indigenous children and youth, and promoting culture and community issues to outsiders and the world. 

MEAS Saroem

Meas Saroem was born in Svay Rieng province and currently is living in Pursat province. Saroem is the graduate of Archeology at Royal University of Fine Arts and now working at department of Culture and Fine Arts in Pursat province as a deputy head of museum office responsible for listing heritage objects into Database and exhibiting those objects in the museum. Saroem applies for this scholarship to study French to strengthen her knowledge of French, to be convenient in conserving, researching, documenting works and communicating with foreigners who want to find out about arts and culture.

POR Chenda

POR Chenda was born in Kampong Thom province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Chenda is studying general writing at the faculty of choreography at Royal University of Fine Arts. Chenda applies for this scholarship to support her study at the university so that she could accomplish her goals such as involve in filmmaking and books to have high standard locally and able to compete internationally, while another goal is building an arts association at her hometown to help young people realizing the arts and culture clearly to love, protect and promote.

KIM Noeng

Kim Noeng was born and currently is living in Siem Reap province. Noeng is the graduate of Archeology at Royal University of Fine Arts and nowadays is working as a contracted employee at the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts responsible in coordinating various works related to arts and cultural projects. Recently, Noeng is participating in documenting works related to arts, traditions and culture, especially focusing on intangible cultural heritage. Noeng applies for this scholarship to study general English to strengthen her knowledge of English and for the convenience of communicating with other NGOs and associations both locally and abroad as well.


Tiv Sim is from Tompoun and Kreung community, born and lives in Ratanakiri province. Sim is a graduate of bachelor and master degrees in Management. Sim has experience in leading youth group in the community, coordinate general development works and educate communities to conserve indigenous culture and nowadays managing and leading 25 indigenous youth yearly. Sim applies for this scholarship to pursue study PhD degree in Management to strengthen capacity, skill, influence and knowledge of strategies in managing and leading, especially in social work, stimulating education about arts and culture, solidarity, economy and strategies in developing and conserving cultural heritage for humanity and next generations with quality, effectiveness and sustainability.

SIN MaoTheang

Sin MaoTheang was born in Tboung Khmum province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. MaoTheang is studying Linguistics and Choreography in dancing and male mask dance. MaoTheang has long-term goal in arts and culture such as documenting main book related to arts and culture, especially for male mask dance so that it’s available for research study making it more convenient for the next generation and for creating new choreography in male mask dance and contemporary form. MaoTheang applies for this scholarship to support his study in choreography to achieve above-mentioned goals in strengthening his capacity to be professional and to be able to research in arts and culture.


Seing Panha was born in Kampong Speu province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Panha quit study in architecture because of inability to support the study and nowadays is studying archeology in Royal University of Fine Arts. Panha applies for this scholarship to study French so that it could support his study in archeology because French is essential to use in this field and it is also a gateway leading Panha to further study to develop himself as well as working in this field in conserving national heritages and ancient temples.

KRAK Tythlea

Krak Tythlea is from Bunong community, born in Mondulkiri province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Tythlea is very passionate about Bunong arts and culture and has multiple talents in dancing, singing and writing lyric in Bunong and Khmer languages. Tythlea applies for this scholarship to support his study of English literature so that he could effectively use it in speaking, demonstrate and preserve own arts and culture, especially promote to foreign tourists who come to visit locally and want to find out about indigenous arts and culture.

YOU Sovannarith

You Sovannarith was born in Kandal province and currently is living in Phnom Penh city. Sovannarith likes to draw and imagine for pictures, likes taking photos, creativity and writing. Nowadays Sovannarith is a student at Department of Media and Communication (DMC) and working in an animation film. Sovannarith applies for this scholarship to support his current study in Media Management because he has vision and goal in making and increasing new films to uphold Cambodian film industry not only to create standard film stories but also meaningful and educational.


HUN Reaksmey

Hun Reaksmey is a spoken theater student at Phare Ponleu Selapak in Battambang. Her goal is becoming a talented writer and a professional performing arts director, helping Cambodian children, bringing Cambodian film to be well-known on international stage expanding markets and preserving our cultural heritages. She applied for this scholarship to study general English so that it could ease her arts study and work with foreigners and able to support her teammates. She believes that English is very essential for her in research and add more quality to her work, and this scholarship will expand her knowledge as well as building her confidence.

YOU Sarann

You Sarann is a student learning traditional dance and mask dance at Phare Ponleu Selapak in Battambang. He applied for scholarship to study French language because his goal is to take part in developing and creating new performing arts by using French language at his school with other artists who use French in communicating and learning new experiences. He will promote Khmer culture to those who speak French coming to visit Cambodia especially in Battambang. He believes that he will have the opportunity to study in French if he could speak it well and be able to communicate effectively.

SEV Brak

Sev Brak is a student studying History major at Royal University of Phnom Penh. As an indigenous youth, he is very passionate in learning about his own culture and national culture. His dream after graduation that he gains more knowledge about arts and culture, he wants to become a researcher and document history for young generations that they could learn and continue to document what is lacking to fulfill. He applied for this scholarship to study general English because he aims to be an indigenous historian who are knowledgeable and capable in transferring cultural knowledge to his own communities and other areas. 

SOK Lida

Sok Lida is a student studying painting major at Royal University of Fine Arts. Today and in the future her goal in the arts is becoming an artist who serve the cultural sector, Cambodians and society as well as to continue her study abroad about global arts and culture and bring to develop the sector in our country. That’s why she applied for scholarship to study French. She believes that this scholarship could support and enable her to have enough time and motivation to grab the knowledge which will be bridge and capable enough to study abroad becoming a potential next generation with skills and ability to support country development.

HORM Chansomalis

Horm Chansomalis is a student studying Architecture major at Royal University of Fine Arts. As an architecture student, she has willingness to show and develop Khmer culture through her architecture that she designs. She has a clear concept that all her architectural buildings must be designed with Khmer styles. She said although she could not build Angkot Wat again, yet she believes that she could design buildings that provide comfort, based on the needs of this current society and show that Khmer culture is rich and vast. Therefore, she applied for this scholarship to support her study in architecture and anticipate that this scholarship will be a great and vital opportunity for her in becoming an architect and gain more new knowledge from this program to achieve her goal.

MEY Chanthona

Mey Chanthona graduated bachelor degree in Archeology at Royal University of Fine Arts and is currently working as a contract officer at Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts responsible for coordinating projects related to arts and culture. She applied for this scholarship to study French because she believes and has clear goal that in the near future she is a part of resource who support the arts and culture sector. This scholarship will be a big support for her to develop knowledge in French language by using it in work and based on her previous experience, documentary and other videos related to arts and culture are written and produced in French. Therefore, she hopes in the near future when she is equipped with French language fluently, she definitely could work on those projects effectively.


Rith Daro is a student studying Choreography in traditional dance at Royal University of Fine Arts. He applied for this scholarship to support his current study in choreography because he aims to be a performer and research lead in this major. Moreover, he hope that this scholarship opportunity that he gained could be a big part to nurture young generations to both preserve and develop arts sector following globalization. He also believes that this scholarship could help him to achieve his goal in studying choreography and enable him to finish his research and direct his performances in 2nd, 3rd and 4th year.

PECH Sinuon

Pech Sinuon is a student studying Choreography in Yike Theater at Royal University of Fine Arts. In the future, she aims to be a Yike teacher and director. She sees herself as an artist and a resource in preserving and promoting this art form. She also has creative ideas to develop this art form while she is studying, researching and creating strategies in combining between arts from the past and present to be consistent and with value for arts and culture so that it follows “traditional but not outdates, modern but not foreign” such as building human resources of next generations. Thus, she applied for this scholarship which is a source to support her study so that she could achieve those goals, be able to work effectively and better, create arts work until graduated.

BUN Jeudy

Bun Jeudy is a leader of traditional music troupe in Siem Reap province. He applied for this scholarship to study Ta-Khe and other traditional musical instruments because he has goals to play them fluently, promote those instruments and teach young generations at community so that it still exists and through promoting on social media. Furthermore, he will learn how to make musical instruments to support his daily life and that also helps to promote Khmer musical instruments wider. He also aims to expand his troupe to an association. This scholarship will help him in spending on travel, study and meal as well as some fee to teachers.

KEANG Sophet

Keang Sophet is an official working at Department of Culture and Fine Arts in Kampong Chhnang province. He applied for this scholarship to study bachelor of Graphic Design at Royal University of Fine Arts because his main goal in this arts sector is becoming a skillful graphic designer. He will utilize his knowledge and skill in this field to showcase his talent out of his best about concept, perspectives and purposes that could be illustrated via his graphic design works. He believes that the achievement he receives from his study at the university through this scholarship will support him to be a resource in promoting this graphic design field in society, particularly the goal in uplifting culture through this field. He hopes that this scholarship could help him to discover himself to follow his dream and goal back and this is the only support that he could receive to continue his study journey at the university.            


MAO Sreychhnas

Mao Sreychhnas is the former contracted officer at Pailin provincial department of culture and fine arts. Now she is studying bachelor of choreography in classical dance at Royal University of Fine Arts. She applies for scholarship to support her study in this major. She hopes that after graduation in 4 years, she will bring this artistic skill to serve at Pailin provincial department of culture and fine arts in order to strengthen and develop for the need of the provincial department including directing and performing to be better. Moreover, she aims to promote and share to young people at the province so that they have the opportunity to study this classical dance.

PING Sreynoch

Ping Sreynoch graduated in bachelor of Archeology from Royal University of Fine Arts and currently working as an assistant to General Technical Department of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. She applies for scholarship to study general English which could support her work in relations with local and international partners by being able to read, research for arts and culture knowledge to serve national sakes in the future. Her goal is to develop her potential having high knowledge in national arts and culture, able to learn from other countries’ culture in order to develop and promote Cambodian culture to the globe.

HUL Kanha

Hul Kanha is an independent visual artists in Siem Reap. She applies for scholarship to study bachelor of English because it could support her to develop her artistic skill to the next level and able to communicate with international stakeholders better. She also aims to be an educator in arts in the future. She will need to study further and conduct more research both her artistic skill and communication skill so that she could become a potential individual who could serve arts sector fully.

ROTH Sreypa

Roth Sreypa is a member of Kouy community in Preah Vihear. She applies for scholarship to study bachelor of International Relations so that it could improve her English and relations with national and international stakeholders better. Her goal is becoming a creative designer who could work with both local and international partners to uphold and preserve Khmer traditional clothes with creative concepts according to the local and international needs. Moreover, there will be unique creative and eco-friendly designs. Especially, she aims to create small enterprise that could offer job opportunities to indigenous women who earn less and young girls who gave up on education to earn some income to support family by working in design area.

HOUT Sokkanitha

Hout Sokkanitha is from Batteay Meanchey and currently a student studying choreography in Spoken Theater at Royal University of Fine Arts. She applies for scholarship to study bachelor of English. In the future, she aims to become a director in spoken theater and filmmaker. She sees herself as an individual who take part to promote and develop this field by using creative concept to respond to current and future development as well as to share and build resilient next generations and offer opportunities to show their talents and in writing. This scholarship will support her current study so that she could achieve her goal being able to use English as a skill and support her research as well as communications.

RIN Kakvey

Rin Kakvey is a musician teaching Pin Peat at Banteay Meanchey. He applies for scholarship to study further with a teacher in Siem Reap for Kantoemming ensemble including Srolai, Kong Peat, Skor Chey and Kong Morng. This scholarship will enable him to learn this endangered musical ensemble and that he is able to create this ensemble and teach students in Banteay Meanchey because nowadays this ensemble no longer exist in Banteay Meanchey. In the future, he aims to become a traditional musical instruments teacher and a researcher as he is very passionate about.


Poeurn Ponlea is a video producer and animator at Lakhorn Komnit organization in Battambang. He applies for scholarship to study general English because his English is still limited. He is always confident with his work and there are many opportunities being offered to him to develop skills and knowledge. However, sometimes he couldn’t get those opportunities because of his limited English. Moreover, his current works involve with community supporting women who face domestic violence and through the work of spoken theater, he is playing a part to get the work done successfully through video making and promotion. Therefore, English is very important for him in implementing project and plans.

PHAT Phyrom

Phat Phyrom is an officer of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion Department of Oddar Meanchey provincial department of culture and fine arts. He applies for scholarship to study master of public administration in order to take part to strengthen quality of administration in cultural sector by pushing expert people in the department to be more active in safeguarding and restoring various cultural works which are endangered and seek for living master artists to continue transferring knowledge to next generations. More importantly, this major will expand his knowledge in human resource management in the department and delegate tasks to the right people to ensure goals are met and efficiently.

Chan Sovandy

Chan Sovandy is a student studying bachelor of Painting at Royal University of Fine Arts. He applies for scholarship to support his current study at university because of study cost is his big challenge. His goal is to graduate in this major and to use his skill and knowledge to strengthen himself to be a potential Cambodian artist so that he could have opportunity to showcase his talent both locally and internationally. While he is a student, he is offered opportunity to intern to restore some painting at Chan Chhaya temple of the Royal Palace. That’s a great chance for him to involve in arts and culture as well as a bridge for him to practice his skill as a foundation for his future his career in arts sector.

Morn Mean

Morn Mean is a member of Kouy community in Kampong Thom and a teacher in a secondary school. He applies for scholarship to research Kouy dance because some belief, tradition and customs are endangered for the future. This scholarship will support him in building capacity, receive knowledge, experience and consultation from experts and people in the arts especially receive budget to implement his project as planned. He will continue to strengthen and expand Kouy youth troupe by gathering young people to participate actively by collaborating with elderly people in the community, Kampong Thom provincial department of culture and fine arts, and other stakeholders to research, document and create some new Kouy traditional dances.            


CHAN Savatey

Savatey is from Battambang and currently she is a Junior Communication Officer in Phnom  Penh. She used to work in several arts institution and she observed that some artists don’t have strong communication skill to promote their work wisely, her purpose is to help promote their works and connect with local and international galleries. Savatey applies for scholarship to study French to fulfil her purpose to pursue her study in Communication and Arts Media in France.


Kea is shadow puppet artist (big and small puppet, and sculpture) and troupe leader at Bambu Stage in Siem Reap. He and his team has created many meaningful performance telling the stories of citizens and the issues happening in society. He also used to teach young student how to sculpture. He applies for scholarship to study performing arts to enhance his artistic skill further and deeper.

PENG Chantrea

Chantrea is from Kampong Thom and she is a troupe coordinator and leader in communication and finance to promote arts to young people in her community. She applies for scholarship to study General English to build her communication with foreigners in order to promote culture and arts.

PHLAN Sochea

Sochea was born in Ratanakiri province and currently is studying Bachelor of Architecture at Norton University. He applies for scholarship to support his study at the university. This scholarship will be his big contribution to support his study until graduate, enable him to become a promising architect who uplift Khmer culture and especially ethnic minority culture and become a role model for youth in his community.

SEA Sophearun

Sophearun graduated a bachelor degree of Archeology from Royal University of Fine Arts. Currently he is technical staff working on research, documenting and conserving the heritage at APSARA National Authority in Siem Reap. He applies for scholarship to study general English as it’s necessary for communication and his translation skill. This scholarship will enable him to prepare to be the next young leader who is equipped with both hard skill and proficient language.

SO Channou

Channou is a teacher of classical and traditional dance at a primary school in Siem Reap. She applies for scholarship to study a Bachelor degree in Management, it will help her to manage and lead artists effectively. This scholarship will also equip her more knowledge in self-development and leadership and become an inspiration to young people in her community too.

SOR Sophay

Sophay graduated a Bachelor degree in Archeology from Royal University of Fine Arts and currently he works as an official at Department of Culture and Fine Arts at Prey Veng province. He applies for scholarship to pursue his master degree in Archeology at Royal Academy of Cambodia, he aims to document the ancient names of districts in Prey Veng and prepare record on artistic items as a collection book.


Troery Yam is a student at Bousra High School in Mondulkiri province and also a dancer in Bunong Bousra Art Troupe. She applies for scholarship to study general English to be able to promote her culture to the world. Her dream is to see her culture and arts become prosperous and well-known. This scholarship will enable her to have more knowledge in English, leadership, new perspectives and better self-confidence and become a role model in her community.

TRY Sokharaksmey

Try Sokharaksmey is an architecture student at Royal University of Fine Arts. She applies for scholarship to study general English because it will help her in doing her research, because most documents are in English language. Her dream career is becoming a professor in Architecture.  Through this scholarship it will build her soft skills, especially to find out about herself.

YEAN Chhenghak

Chhenghak is a year 1 student in Choreography at Royal University of Fine Arts. He used to involve as an artist and also a troupe leader in promoting artistic activities to communities in Kampong Thom province. He applies for scholarship to study general English that it will help support him his studying. His passion is to promote and bring his knowledge in arts to young people.

From The Students

“I am always passionate to attend scholarship meetings because I can learn new things, build my self-confidence, and strengthen the relationships with my friends”

KHEM Sok Srey Mean, Painting student

“My speaking skills and self-confidence have improved very much through the trainings and workshops by CLA.”

SGNOUN Kavey Sereyroth, Pin student

“I am more confident to share my ideas and am motivated to join educational events to improve both my general and artistic knowledge and skills”

EL Huyno, Painting student

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